Bike Ride News – July 2023

This year we are proud to be celebrating the 40th anniversary of The Norfolk Churches Trust Bike Ride, Walk and Drive. Many of us on the Committee have fond memories of taking part in the Bike Ride as children and perhaps this is why we are so passionate about Norfolk’s churches and maintaining the energy around this highly enjoyable event. It is our longest running and most successful fundraiser and that is down to you, our participants. The Trust send our thanks to you all. You have helped us raise over £4.2 million since the first event in 1983 and we hope that you will take part again on Saturday 9th September and make it a bumper year.

The event remains pretty much unchanged since those early days but one addition (which is proving successful) are the competitions. In our last Newsletter we listed the winners of all but the photographic competition and so today we can reveal the winners. You may have already seen them published in the EDP. Congratulations go to the three first place winners – Julia Hoskins, Tim Lees and Duncan Lingard. They each receive £50 prize money.

Julia Hoskins’s beautifully composed photograph (pictured above) of the interior of the church of St Peter and St Paul, Heydon, is reminiscent of a Dutch seventeenth-century interior. The clarity of light captured within the photograph and the juxtaposition of the elaborately carved pulpit and priest’s chair against the simple whitewashed walls with the sun streaming through the leaded window creates a striking and timeless image. The quiet, contemplative atmosphere is in contrast with Tim Lees’s photograph of the Bike Ride themed flower arrangement on the altar of St Botolph’s church in Limpenhoe. It reflects not only the fun of the day but also the care and thought that goes into welcoming visitors to the churches on the day of the Bike Ride by their community. The same sense of fun combined with the magnificence of our churches is well illustrated in the photograph created by the third winner. Duncan Lingard’s photograph of two cyclists set against the majestically positioned church of St Withburga at Holkham reflect the comradeship of the day.

To see these photographs and those of the runners-up taken by David Nice and Kate Griffin click here.

As part of our preparations, we have looked at the long-range forecast for Saturday 9th September. We have great news! It is set to be a sunny day with partial cloud and temperatures in the region of 22 degrees. So far there is no sign of rain. Not good for ducks but good for the Bike Ride, so please look out for the Bike Ride packs in your church or visit our website and register there. Numbers of those taking part are rising and it couldn’t be happening at a better time. Your active interest in the Trust and fundraising activities is much needed and we send to you all our thanks and best wishes.

To find out more about our work and how your money is spent visit the website where you can also access the Bike Ride, Walk and Drive registration form. If you have any questions or need further information, contact us by email

Have a happy summer and look forward to seeing you on the road or in a church or chapel on Saturday, 9th September.

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