The results of the photo competition are as follows:
Julia Hoskins. Picture of Heydon. (Above). The Judges thought the contrast of light, texture and the framing of the picture made it a beautiful picture in its own right but it also portrayed a feeling of stillness and peace that so many of our lovely old churches have when you enter them.
Tim Lees Picture of a flower decoration for the Bike Ride at St Botolph’s Church in Limpenhoe. The judges loved your pictures of the various Bikes incorporated in flower arrangements and they felt the group picture captured the spirit of the day!
Duncan Lingard, Holkham. The judges thought this picture was well composed and particularly emblematic of our magnificent Norfolk churches which dominate the Norfolk skyline and of course they like to see people enjoying the day!
Runners up are as follows:
Tim Lees. St Botolph’s Church Limpenhoe. The judges loved your pictures of the various Bikes incorporated in flower arrangements and they felt the group picture captured the spirit of the day!
David Nice. Carleton St Peter. The judges loved your picture of your six companions approaching Carleton St Peter. Besides being a beautiful picture they felt it epitomised a walking group of friends enjoying exploring churches.
Kate Griffin, Hellington. You had sent in a fantastic selection of lovely pictures but in the end the judges have chosen the one above of Hellington. They thought the shaft of light illuminating the walker immediately catches the eye but then the beautiful porch and the round tower framed against the evening sky gave the photograph great composition, depth and kept you looking for more details. They also felt it represented the approach of so many of our remote and beautiful churches and made them want to join the walker to see what treasures lay inside.
Julia Hoskins: The judges liked the composition of this picture with the splendid bikes and they do love a flint wall and this one was particularly interesting with its different styles of flint work. The picture also draws you in and makes you want to see what else is inside besides the tantalising stained glass though the door.