The Norfolk Churches Trust welcomes grant applications from Christian places of worship of any denomination in the Norfolk and the Diocese of Norwich.
In the last financial year, the Trust awarded grants to 41 churches totalling £171,825. Since it was founded in 1976 grants totalling over £6.5 million have been awarded.
Grants are awarded for a wide range of urgent repairs and conservation projects but cannot be awarded retrospectively.
Extremely urgent ‘stitch in time’ grants to pay for small but critical repairs identified in a Quinquennial Inspection Report are also available.
Small grants can be offered for structural surveys and conservation reports when a parish does not have the funds to pay for this essential first step in developing a repair project.
The Trust does not fund re-ordering projects or the installation of new facilities.
There is no minimum cost, or specified match-funding requirement.
Parishes that are not already members of the Trust are required to join when making an application.