Rackheath Magna, as it was known in 12th century, was made redundant in the 1970s and the Norfolk Churches Trust acquired the lease in February 1981.
The church itself is full of light thanks to the clear glass. There is a fine thirteenth century arcade and an interesting hexagonal font dating from 1639 which was damaged when the church became redundant. There are also some very fine and elegant memorials to the Pettus and Stracey families.
All Saints is signposted with a brown Heritage sign on the Wroxham Road: continue down Swash Lane NR13 6QT.
All Saints is currently kept locked due to continuing anti-social behaviour in and around the church. Visits can be arranged in advance by contacting the office. 01379 677272 or email secretary@norfolkchurchestrust.org.uk N.B. the office is not always manned, and is closed on Fridays, over weekends and Bank Holidays. (September 2021)
Find out more about this church on the Norfolk Churches website and the Norfolk Heritage Explorer.