Quilt exhibition at Little Massingham Church

Date: 19 July 2024   —  20 Jul 2024 10.45am-4.30pm


This is the last chance to see the magnificent completed patchwork quilted “hugs” at St Andrew’s Church, Little Massingham. The event takes place on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th July. These quilts have been made by people who live throughout the whole of the U.K. After the exhibition the quilts will be handed over to Norfolk County Council where the young adult care leavers will be able to select a quilt of their choice.
This has been a year long project to raise funds for Little Massingham Church roof. FOSALM.org and the charity Quilts for Care Leavers have been working together during this time, their aim is to hand over the quilts to some of the young adults who leave the Norfolk County Council care system every year.

For information on how you can donate and help restore the ancient and historically important church,  please see  FOSALM.org


Photo credit James Harrow


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