The Bishop’s Garden was looking at its best; the tent was up, the canapes and wine delivered and the rain came down as people arrived in the Cathedral for a special Evensong. After a welcome from the Dean, the Very Rev. Jane Hedges, the Service was conducted by the Precentor, the Rev. Canon Jeremy Haselock.
The singing always wonderful, seems to get ever better and the Brahms setting of the Anthem ‘How Lovely are thy Dwellings, O Lord of Hosts’ was beautifully and movingly sung. As we emerged from the Cathedral and made our way to the Bishop’s Garden, miraculously the rain ceased and 160 guests enjoyed the drinks and delicious eats and also an opportunity to wander round the gardens. Bishop Graham gave a very amusing speech. We got a picture of Billa Harrod, the Founder of the Norfolk Churches Trust, interviewing priests without coffee if she had heard that they were considering making their church redundant and his own experience of Billa who, when he had just arrived greeted him with the words ‘I understand you are not a Church Closer’.
The important message was that the Church, the Churches and the Norfolk Churches Trust are still going strong. It was indeed a great occasion.